Is It Better to Lease or Finance a Car?

It isn’t easy to know the best way to own a car. Unless you work in the car biz, you’ve got to rely on the professionals to help you make the best decisions. What you do know is that there are two ways to own a car for yourself, and that’s to lease or finance Is It Better to Lease or Finance a Car?

Why Your Tires Could Dictate the Type of Vehicle You Buy

You drive through the pasture to pick up a newborn calf. You take long trips cross-country to visit your parents on the Florida panhandle. It might be that you rally-race your sports car on the weekends. Or, perhaps, you perform a daily commute to the office in rain, snow, or midwest summer heat. Whatever you Why Your Tires Could Dictate the Type of Vehicle You Buy

What You Need to Know About a Salvage Title

Browsing the online used car ads, you see a car you really like at a dealership. It looks really great, has low mileage, new tires, and has already been certified. And there’s another one just like it for sale, except privately. It’s the same color, the mileage is even lower, and it even has a What You Need to Know About a Salvage Title

3 Ways to Improve Your Credit Rating Quickly

You’ve heard for a long time that credit issues stay on your credit report for years. That’s true, and it’s for a good reason. Getting credit from a lender isn’t something you are entitled to. It’s given because you’ve earned it, and it’s hard work to get to that point. For many people, learning that 3 Ways to Improve Your Credit Rating Quickly

How Much Car Can I Afford?

So many factors influence your car shopping experience. At first, it’s all excitement that you’re going to be buying a car. Then there’s the frustration of finding the right car for your needs. And when you realize you need to get a loan to buy a car, a new question enters your mind: “How much How Much Car Can I Afford?

Used Trucks For Sale: Issues to Watch For

In Kansas City and the surrounding areas, trucks are a popular vehicle to purchase. They’re just so handy – you can use the to carry a load, haul the family around, tow your trailer or boat, or use as a mobile office. And or whatever reason you’re shopping for a truck, there are used trucks Used Trucks For Sale: Issues to Watch For

5 Steps Before You Buy a Car with Bad Credit

Sometimes it’s just a few bad decisions that have a long-lasting result. You may have skipped a few bills or forgotten to pay a ticket that went to collections. Other times, it’s a wrench thrown into your plans that’s completely unexpected. A death in the family, a split from your spouse, or job loss. But 5 Steps Before You Buy a Car with Bad Credit

How to Fix Negative Equity in a Car Loan

Unfortunately, cars depreciate in value. Other than real estate, few things in life gain in value over time. In North America, millions of car owners every year discover that depreciation the hard way. They find out they have negative equity, or are “upside down”, in their car loan. Are you unfamiliar with the term? It’s How to Fix Negative Equity in a Car Loan

Five Best Cars for Bad Credit

If you’re one of the millions of Americans whose credit score could use some improvement, you might have trouble getting financing for certain vehicles. Some cars simply don’t have the same resale value down the road as others, and that can make them less attractive to lenders. Other vehicles hold their value extremely well, and Five Best Cars for Bad Credit

Opposites Attract in Marriage and Credit. Here’s How

It’s often said that opposites attract. It’s usually referring to someone’s love life. Sometimes it’s an outgoing A-type personality that seeks out quiet, shy people to hang around. Or, a slender person looks for a larger companion to date. There are reasons for every situation, from a feeling of safety to a feeling of excitement Opposites Attract in Marriage and Credit. Here’s How

An Auto Loan Calculator Could Lead You Astray, and Here’s Why

You’re credit challenged in some fashion. It means different things to different people. It’s a run of late payments for some people, collection agencies calling for others. It may be a bankruptcy or an ex that took you to the cleaners in a divorce settlement. Or, you might have no credit of your own. Yet, An Auto Loan Calculator Could Lead You Astray, and Here’s Why